Selasa, 14 Oktober 2008

Preparing for group presentation

aWhether you’re introducing a new company to investors or updating management on an important project, a well-planned presentation will make you look good. Presenting as a group is challenging. Here are some guidelines for planning and presenting as a team.

· Develop outlines. For each section of the presentation, identify key points to make

· Focus on clarity. In general simple is better.

· Plan your time well. Allow enough time for each speaker and for questions at the end.

· Put background information or data on a separate handout. This will help listeners focus on your key points.

· Remember your listener’s needs. How long will people be sitting? You may decide to stop and take a break in the presentation at a mid-point.

· Use visuals. Visual add variety to a presentation. But don’t use too many, and avoid turning down the lights for too long, especially after lunch.

· Practice the presentation as a team several times. Each member needs to be familiar with everyone else’s content. Pay attention to transition points. For example, how will a presenter introduce the next speaker.

· Plan to arrive early and check your equipment. Make sure that video screens and projectors are well-placed,plugged in, and working

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